Why is the Beltway So Dangerous?
June 21, 2021The Baltimore Beltway, a 53-mile stretch of highway circling the city of Baltimore, is one of the most heavily trafficked roads in the state. An estimated 500,000 motorists travel the Beltway every day. Heavy traffic, multiple lanes, and distracted drivers also make it one of the most dangerous throughfares in the Interstate Highway System. According » Read More
Is the Truck Driver Shortage Causing More Accidents?
June 7, 2021Owing to a number of factors, the trucking association is suffering from a shortage of truck drivers. At a time when most consumer and industrial products are transported by truck throughout the United States, this shortage can cause major problems. The trucker shortage has implications for the efficiencies in the industry as well as for » Read More
Can I File a Personal Injury Claim if I Was Hit by a Delivery Truck?
May 18, 2021During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the number of delivery trucks on the road has increased dramatically thanks to a spike in online shopping for groceries, toilet paper, and other essential items. In fact, there was a 55 percent increase in online purchasing in July 2020 alone. This increase in online shopping means that there have » Read More
How can Truck Drivers Avoid Accidents Over Memorial Day Weekend?
May 5, 2021The Memorial Day weekend is one of the busiest travel weekends of the year, with over 40 million Americans hitting the road for the holiday. Unfortunately, it also marks the beginning of the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer, which last from Memorial Day to Labor Day. During this time, there is a significant increase in » Read More
What Should Drivers Know About Truck Accidents in Maryland?
April 30, 2021Just by the sheer size of the vehicle, an accident with a truck is far more dangerous to all the humans involved, from the drivers and passengers involved directly, to nearby pedestrians. Vehicles and any nearby property could also be severely damaged in the collision. With 4,119 fatalities due to truck collisions in 2019, the » Read More
How Does Poor Truck Maintenance Increase the Risk of Accidents?
April 12, 2021The average commercial truck weighs approximately 10 times more than a regular passenger vehicle, and even more when the truck is fully loaded with the cargo it is transporting. That means that the occupants of a passenger vehicle have little chance of walking away from a truck accident without serious personal injury if they are » Read More
What are the Dangers of Microsleep Among Truck Drivers?
March 23, 2021Businesses, consumers, and communities depend on truck drivers to deliver a wide range of goods to warehouses, stores, and homes across the United States. Although truck drivers play an essential role in this country’s economy, driving a commercial truck can be a very dangerous job. In fact, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, » Read More
What can Truck Companies Do to Prevent Truck Accidents?
March 12, 2021According to the Department of Labor (DOL), driving a truck is one of the most dangerous jobs in the United States. In addition to the challenges of operating a massive 80,000-pound commercial truck, truck drivers are under a great deal of pressure to meet very tight deadlines when delivering goods. Oftentimes, that means driving through » Read More
How Do I File a Truck Accident Claim?
February 24, 2021Like car accidents, truck accidents can happen when drivers least expect it. However, although some of the most common car accidents are fender-benders that do not cause any injuries, truck accident victims rarely walk away from the accident without a scratch. In fact, truck accidents cause some of the most devastating personal injuries and fatalities » Read More
How Does Sleep Apnea Impact the Trucking Industry?
February 3, 2021Operating a massive 80,000-pound commercial truck requires truck drivers to be alert, well rested, and focused on the road ahead and the other vehicles that are sharing the road. Unfortunately, truck drivers are at an increased risk for sleep apnea, which is a potentially serious sleep disorder that causes the person’s breathing to stop and » Read More